Do Dia das Mães na escola com meu pequeno, do almoço com minha mãezinha e caretas ou a fase de "caras engraçadas" como diz o Vitor ......ele está ficando cada vez mais desinibido e engraçadinho, tenho vontade de apertar até........dou mil beijinhos nessa criaturinha mais linda que Deus me deu!!!
Mother's Day at school, lunch with my mamy and family and some funny faces of Vitor!!!!
vitor's becaming more outgoing and funny....I always give a lot of kisses and tight hugs in this little criature that God gaves to me!!!
Mother's Day at school, lunch with my mamy and family and some funny faces of Vitor!!!!
vitor's becaming more outgoing and funny....I always give a lot of kisses and tight hugs in this little criature that God gaves to me!!!
que familia mas bonitas tienes besos